Home makeover hidden object
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Home makeover hidden object

An interesting hidden object adventure game that starts the 4 part series (tetralogy if you want to sound smart)! Behind the eucalyptus fence lies an old old house with a pleasant hidden object adventure. Emma's grandfather's old house needs a house overhaul! Okay ... long awaited makeover! Exchange old paint with enchanting wallpaper, outdated furniture with more modern pieces, and more! Return this house back to its old glory! Clean the messy old house and sell the items to your neighbors! Make money from mixed sales to buy new furniture and equipment for the old home! With more than 10 ways to find household items, you will never get bored! This free hidden object of adventure finds an image application will ask you to find hidden objects, practice your time management skills and match 3! You can play Home makeover hidden object game online for free.

How To Play Home makeover hidden object Game

Standar Control:

    The standard control for browser games will vary depending on the game you are playing. However, most browser games use the keyboard and mouse as the primary means of input. Here are some common controls that you may encounter while playing browser games:
  • Keyboard: The arrow keys or WASD keys are commonly used to move the character or navigate menus. The space bar is often used to jump, and the Enter key is used to start or pause the game.
  • Mouse: The mouse is used to aim and shoot in FPS games, to select options in menus, and to interact with objects in the game. The left mouse button is often used to select or shoot, and the right mouse button is used for secondary actions such as aiming down sights or interacting with objects.
  • Spacebar: It's mostly used to jump, shoot or interact with objects.
  • Esc button: It's mostly used to pause the game or access the game menu.
  • Tab button: It's mostly used to access the scoreboard or inventory.
  • The number keys: They are mostly used to switch weapons or select items.
  • Ctrl or Shift: They are mostly used for crouching or running.
  • Keep in mind that different games may have different control schemes, so it's always a good idea to check the game's instruction or tutorial before you start playing.

What Similar Home makeover hidden object Game

Home makeover hidden object is game that we serve here at Gameonline.co.id. Here are a few similar games that you might enjoy: Game Home makeover 2: hidden object, Game Hidden object mermaids, Game Hidden investigation who do it, Game Tebak kata 4 huruf, Game Tebak kata 3 huruf, Game Mistery venue hidden object, Game Mary knots garden wedding hidden object, Game Hidden Object Detective crime, Game Find the difference seasons, Game Hidden magic og, Game Dreamlife, Game Tebak kata 5 huruf, Game Tebak kata 6 huruf, Game Tebak kata 7 huruf, Game Break your brain, Game Find different 2, Game Find the difference animals, Game Trollface quest usa 2, Game 15 puzzle - images collections, Game Hidden object brain teaser, Game Hidden lands, Game Pair up, Game Detective hidden cats, Game Bloxors, Game Colorful assort, Game Roll this ball, Game Edge not found,.

Who Made Home makeover hidden object?

Home makeover hidden object developed by not set

Hidden ObjectAsahotakPuzzleTekatekiLogikaTebakanSingleplayerSkillArcade